Friday, September 28, 2007

Gather at reflecting pool on west side of Capitol at 11 a.m for rally

March will step off between 1 and 2 pm, and will pass by the Department of Health and Human Resources, FEMA headquarters and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency headquarters before returning to the Capitol for an ending rally. The purpose of this route is to draw attention to the resources that should be invested in health care instead of being spent on war; the ongoing injustices in the wake of Hurricane Katrina; and the campaign against immigrants.

Volunteers needed at 8:30 am.

Nearest METRO stop: Federal Center SW (on Blue line and Orange line)

Bus dropoff: west side of 3rd Street between Constitution and Independence (which is at the site of the Encampment to Stop the War)
Bus pickup: same location.
Buses should make their own parking arrangements at Union Station garage, 40 Massachusetts Ave NE (3 blocks from the rally and march site). Union Station information: 202-371-9441.

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posted by Stop War @ 2:11 PM  
If you can't join us at the Encampment - you can still be a part of this mobilzation to Stop the War at Home and Abroad. Please consider making a generous donation to help cover the costs of transportation, food, tents, sound equipment, and much more. You can donate online donate online at

Troops Out Now Website

Encampment to Stop the War blog

Youth and Students

The Troops Out Now Coalition

Previous Post
SEPT 22 - 29

It's time to move from Protest to Resistance:

SEPT 22- 29: Encampment in Washington DC & March on the White House

SEPT 29: National March on from the Capitol to the White House

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